Thursday, October 14, 2010

Buy Fisher H7456 Power Wheels 6V Quick Charger for $19.50 Save Today!! Today

Power Wheels 6V Quick Charger Review

I accept had this auto for a ages now and I accept had no problems. It seems appealing durable. I had apprehend a lot about defective a additional array or affairs the quick charger, but in my acquaintance I haven't bare one. Our kids ride it for 30 account or so every few canicule so I've alone had to allegation it once. I accept if you had accouchement that were activity to ride it for hours every day a quick charger ability be an option, but I advance aloof aggravating it out first. If you charge it, go to Walmart and aces up one. That way, you don't absorb on article you may not need.

Overall, I'm admiring with this jeep. The kids adore it and it was beneath big-ticket than best added 2 seaters.

Click To Buy Best Price from Amazon

Power Wheels 6V Quick Charger Feature

  • Quick and easy
  • Built-in battery charge indicator lets you know when it's ready for use
  • Solid red light: Charging Flashing green: Quick charge complete-ready for use
  • Solid green: 100% charged Flashing red: Error-wrong or dead battery
  • Please note: This product is not intended for children; for adult use only
  • The charger must only be used with a Power Wheels Type 6-volt lead acid battery

Power Wheels 6V Quick Charger Overview

Power up your Power Wheels 6-volt battery with this Quick Charger. It's so quick and easy! The battery charges in just two hours! The built-in battery charge indicator lets you know when it's ready for use. For a single Power Wheels 6-volt battery only.

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